Friday, March 13, 2009

Web 2.0 | Definition

Web 2.0 is a 'buzzword' used to describe the move from static webpage’s of the past (Web 1.0) to a more user-friendly, people oriented approach where online communities and social networking websites play a greater role. By allowing anyone to contribute to online content the user is an integral part of the data and become a participant of the application by adding, accessing and exchanging information. Web 2.0 Applications can be constantly updated providing a rich user experience.

According Tim O’Reilly Web 2.0 is “the understanding that the network is the platform and on the network is a platform where the rules for business are different, and the cardinal rule is users add value and figuring out how to build databases that get better the more people use them is the secret sauce of every web 2.0 company.”

Web 1.0 VS Web 2.0

Tim O'Reilly TechWebTV Interview

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